
Pre-wedding on the landak river - Batu kapal ( bukit lawang ) - Bohorok, Sumatera Utara

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Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

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We are a service business that offers a variety of creative activities. We are ready to provide the best service that makes you get valuable moments to remember. With us we will make interesting things according to your wishes. Let’s create!
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Package Price
IDR 2,520,000IDR 2,800,000
/ session

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Pre-wedding on the landak river - Batu kapal ( bukit lawang ) - Bohorok, Sumatera Utara

Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Termasuk :

- Cetak 2 lembar ( 40 x 60 )

- Cetak 6R 5 lembar

- 1 photografer dan 1 videografer ( teaser 1 menit )

Photography Packages:
Duration: 6 Hours
Camera: Canon Eos 7D
Lenses: 24 - 105 mm L series
Media: Google Drive, USB Flashdisk
Edited Photo: 35 Photos
Raw Photo: Yes

- Lokasi bisa di tentukan oleh pelanggan

- Biaya atas izin lokasi yang timbul di tangguing oleh pelanggan.

- Biaya akomodasi, transportasi di tanggung oleh pelanggan.

lets' create...

Pre-wedding on the landak river - Batu kapal ( bukit lawang ) - Bohorok, Sumatera Utara

Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
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Pre-wedding on the landak river - Batu kapal ( bukit lawang ) - Bohorok, Sumatera Utara

Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Pre-wedding on the landak river - Batu kapal ( bukit lawang ) - Bohorok, Sumatera Utara

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